Category Archives: Spirit


A dance with changing circumstances ,

a drain or a lift ? A reestablishment of sense of self and finding one’s footing once


Not for the faint of heart yet as we move through that which we fear in time it

is transformed into the familiar .

A dance with identity perceived by the inner self and interpretations of how we think

the world views us .

It’s the perceptions that we hold onto with fierceness can cause the most discomfort .

Is it habit or real ? If it is habit that doesn’t make it any less real .

Dancing through circumstances may feel more like trudging through mud in moments

of fear …all it takes is one moment and then you feel like your home and the comfort is

real .

Does a Soul Choose …

A new life arrives . She is given away . Is the first experience of this life one of trauma ? Aside from the one of leaving a safe womb does the separation from her beginnings of life impact her sense of comfort and trust ?

She is born with a trusting heart no matter the circumstances . She loves deeply , so deeply that it surprises even her .

Welcomed into a home , into a family , that wants to be what it is not . There is love . There is love that battles within itself and with it’s own brokenness . Her love , in innocence , rises to the surface in moments of celebration . Like when she awakens first thing every morning , before opening her eyes , then is a joyous smile across her face. Did her soul choose to know the indescribable ache while also choosing to carry a joy filled heart and an ever replenishing trust ? The brokenness of the family integrated more trauma into her original wound and in quietness she finds a healer , herself . Did her soul choose ?

And in her quietness she sometimes dreams of knowing wholeness . Enchanted by the sight of the moon and the stars she finds a sense of rootedness in them . And when she is near water and it’s powerful timelessness then she feels held by the breath of all life past , present and future .

Space for New Dreams

The light is delicate tonight and the breezes cool. Someone not too far away is

listening to a soprano singing opera . The sounds drift faintly in the air as I watch the

evening light dance with with shadows before calling it a night .

It’s the sort of peaceful , summer night that soothes the soul and invites a restorative

rest .

New dreams are given space to arrive in the subtle , warm glow of the setting sun .

The Man in the Tower Hiding

A comet soaring through the sky  wishing  away worries from the earth below .

It’s only for  moment .

Fires of the quest for justice burn ….and burn .

And those few that are untouched and are  so far away from the pain just scold .

And blame .

The man in the tower hiding  the darkness behind false  whiteness   steals souls and

glows red .

And tosses raw flesh to his spectators .

Unrealized is the relentless power of the will to do right . It won’t stop .

The birth of reawakening in the heart and spirit of  warriors  in our streets come

together as one .

This battle is not done .


Above the Gases

How to see through the smoke ?

Soldiers in streets uninvited ,  The people rising . Higher  than gases .

Division , is it’s fate to become unified ?

Human history as a recipe repeated .

We will take back our sovereignty .


Vulnerability and Shared Humanity

When one person shares their  vulnerability that is an invitation to others to to share theirs  and

when that happens it is a coming together in our shared humanity . It is putting down the fear ,

anger , hurt and embracing the profound , beautiful struggles that we share . That’s a place for

healing to begin .


When the broken bits arise from your heart  and ask for healing will you welcome them ?   Love them  and  accept them  and then the peace will come .  in time , more and more , the peace of acceptance and love will grow  .

Every part of yourself deserves the healing of  love .  The freedom to live in the sureness of acceptance and generosity  . When the heart is open and with out self imposed  restraints  the beauty of living flows like a glorious  river .  Healing and abundant  lifting us all into a state of grace .

Come Back

Come back . Come back to the trust in your heart .  Remember  a moment when your heart was repelled by hate and all you wanted was the feeling of home . The feeling of being loved in spite of hard times . The feeling that somehow it is all going to be fine .

Come back . Come back to the truth that you care . Have you been hidden from compassion because fear made you chase circles of lies  ? It’s ok to put down the fear and to feel what’s real.

Come back to all humanity and be free .

Is It a Dream by the River ?

If this is a dream then I choose to be by a sparkling , clear river . Cool , strong  and wild . Feeling the heat of the sun growing stronger upon by face as I venture into the flowing waters with the bare, flesh of my feet .  The current so strong it inspires the inner strength in my heart to move forward as if to be in a piece of a dance .

Mesmerizing and exciting all at once by  the river .  As it moves  and curves and softens the life of the rocks it also gathers and gives bits of life . Telling stories along the way wether you listen or not . Ancient and new are the stories of the river . The  rushing , churning waters or a tranquil , meandering  flow , either way , will signal to all of your senses bringing to you a sort of meditation  .

It may not know where the river begins and you may not know where  it ends but there is trust in its life giving flow and the peacefulness  that you know .






The Gift of an Eagle

Late afternoon sun inspiring a drive to the water’s edge  .  The  coolness in the air nearly stopped a walk on the beach .  It was a day that could have been early spring or  fall .  The light from the sun was diffused  by clouds and yet also giving a comforting warmth in the breezes .

I stopped at a bench and sat for a bit .  It was low tide though the water seemed to be coming back in . Small waves on top of small waves and the light shimmering and dancing along the water’s surface . Looking out and looking in as I sometimes call it .  Looking beyond the day’s events and freeing one’s mind .

It was just then that I noticed a bird sitting atop of a piling , exposed by low tide ,  out in the water .  Looking more intently  I reared that it wasn’t just any bird but rather an Eagle . I remained for a bit longer .  I began hoping that I’d get to witness his flight and just as I stood up to go this wonderful bird took flight  from his perch .

He soared with such grace and beauty .  I stood watching , taking it in , and whispering ” thank you .”