Tag Archives: Writting

Soul self

I looked out upon the East River as a little girl from my bedroom window . I watched the night sky change with the celestial cycles , I watched fiery as well as calm , delicate sunsets . It was enchanting and yet also grounding . I felt more connected to my deeper self because of these moments .

The quietness , the aloneness that allowed for these experiences also created some separation from the day to day lighter side of living .

At the age of eight years old I wrote a letter to the President of the United States . ”Dear Mr. President , Please get everyone to love each other and then we will have peace .” The letter was mailed . I received a brochure of the White House in response . I was thrilled because it meant that my letter had arrived .

That little girl with the old soul is still me . And since then have discovered the joy of laughter and spontaneity . 

Spring Joyously Returns

The lasting light stretching outward into evening inviting delight .

Coolness along aside bright sunshine and twirling sounds from birds before light

inspiring joy and a light heart .

Inspiring a yearning to stay awake later into the night and glance at the stars sparkling

in the deep , dark sky .

Spring joyously returns and like a lovely waltz it twirls life around out of the winter

slumber and into new beginnings .

Happy Spring !


The light arriving earlier now and lingering longer . Renewing , refreshing and inviting new inspirations for change .

Stellar Jay’s appear with their eye catching brilliant blue and the song birds delicate sounds float through the air .

A breezy chill in a symphony of sunlight both playful and hopeful eases the day into evening and a happy rest .


A dance with changing circumstances ,

a drain or a lift ? A reestablishment of sense of self and finding one’s footing once


Not for the faint of heart yet as we move through that which we fear in time it

is transformed into the familiar .

A dance with identity perceived by the inner self and interpretations of how we think

the world views us .

It’s the perceptions that we hold onto with fierceness can cause the most discomfort .

Is it habit or real ? If it is habit that doesn’t make it any less real .

Dancing through circumstances may feel more like trudging through mud in moments

of fear …all it takes is one moment and then you feel like your home and the comfort is

real .

Peace in Moments

To be in peace and joy , to fulfill a purpose known or unknown . To deepen my

understanding thereby strengthening connection to all of life . To explore ideas,

actions, states of being and to simply be . To simply breathe and sense the miracle that

is all around and the threads that are me running through it all blending or bumpy

…there is both freedom and anchors in the joys and sorrows . Looking to be beyond

the stars as well as meadows sprinkled with blooms and to delight and roar in oceans

near and far .


Bold and wild when the waves become harsh with injustices and dancing delicately with dreams of harmony .

Every beat of the heart creates a story . Born either from perceptions or the beautiful truth of your soul .

Weaving a way into and through our shared vulnerabilities and moments of courage just the other side of fear .

Rhythms change with each day bringing us to new ways .

Flowing Waters

Close to home water flows , slightly risen above the surface and yet reaches deeply

into one’s soul .

Sounds , eyes closed , of timelessness and possibility .

Light , eyes open , both playful and solemn .

Observance may become storytelling and a meditation with nature a poem as a guide .

In View

It’s so often right in view . The glorious beauty and mystery of life interwoven with past, present and future into one thread . That thread connects us all . The layers of living moving through time and space as one and yet still all at once .

The beauty and the mystery forever intertwined in each breath .