Tag Archives: Nature

An Inviting View

A seemingly endless sky with it’s changing beauty opening the way toward imaginings.

And flowing deep waters inspiring joyous movement and possibilities .

While being held along the shores by old growth trees mixed with new inviting a sense

of comfort and continuity . There is a mystery , perhaps a bit magnificent , in the

mists that move in between the mountains and the flowing waters .

In an outwardly quiet pause the view invites me to expand my spirit and soar .

Painting by Barbara L. Chapman

‘A Puget Sound View’ Acrylic on stretched canvas 18×24″ Available for purchase


The light arriving earlier now and lingering longer . Renewing , refreshing and inviting new inspirations for change .

Stellar Jay’s appear with their eye catching brilliant blue and the song birds delicate sounds float through the air .

A breezy chill in a symphony of sunlight both playful and hopeful eases the day into evening and a happy rest .

A Beautiful Respite

It was unexpected . As I walked along a well loved , urban path around a lake I paused . Delicate looking leaves sitting atop the water and the tree above reflected in a beautiful blue . The rich , inspiring colors and shapes all came together in order to create a story . I took a step towards the edge of the water and just slightly removed from the passerby’s . And for a moment was like a magical haven .

Dear Wild One

A wild horse stands tall and calm while shadows from the clouds above move across his frame . Uneven terrain outstretched for miles rugged and beautiful and flickering with warm tones of color . The definition of strength seen in the horse’s musculature speaks of a noble history . The beauty is elegant and somehow soothing to see .

You may run as you please dear wild one . Run and run with wind blowing through your mane . The power of your spirit echoing throughout fields and hills all around . The scents of pine and sage and the remnants of a sun filled day linger in the air as you choose your resting place for the long night ahead .

Star filled sky becoming visible and the lullaby songs of the night begin as you settle in beneath an ancient tree . Sweet rest dear wild one until the new adventure begins again ….

A Single Breath Floats Quietly Towards the Heavens

Walking and walking only for the sake of being .  Chains become freedom and whispers become  words . Words that release the power of connection to lifetimes past ,  this moment here and now and of the dreams yet to materialize .

The steps become an expansive mind .  The mind moves away from ego and boundaries between the earth and spirit are moving within each other  easily .  I may become one with it’s flow as mightily  as with you .

And the magnificence  held so dear in a single moment , in a single breath floats quietly towards the heavens .  It is celebrated amongst the stars and with  each beating heart is remembered  .

Where the Wildness of Flowers are Free

I awake to dreams of being in beautiful places .  Imaginings and heart wanderings removed

from staidness .  Places where healthy  streams , cool and clear , sparkling in the light flow .

Leading from a mountain top where strong , blue green grasses grow  and the wildness of the

flowers are free to be .  Then to the meadows as the heart leads and where the mountain met

the world .  It’s graceful expanse calls out with it’s charms  and  winds singing hymns .  A few

horses run wild and free as family and all of  the while holding their  own .  Their power is love

and fearless  wisdom even more than the massive muscles carrying them on .  My heart goes

along with them for as long as it can and until I’m back in a sleep meant for

navigating this world .


Comfort in the Quiet

The spring has come and knowing little of our human fright it sings . It beckons .  It dances with delight .   It must sense it’s new found freedom .  I wonder . Does nature now feel it’s man made noose loosened ?  The song birds sing more sweetly and the trees  less tense .  The quietness so soothing for  life to be able to breathe again that is for  all one but one .

The sadness presses against the quiet .  Love and the fragility  of human life are in each moment now . The breathtaking moments of courage and compassion rise and in-between  is  cherished laughter to lighten our hearts and carry us on .

The songs of Mother nature are freely sung now and her wild  animals live with less fear .  The people  that were trampling upon the sacredness  of life are the  ones seeking to return to what is gone .  To fight the flow of change is to create your own despair . And that heaviness hangs in the air .

The rustlings of the trees and the currents of the oceans shake me free from the weightiness of false designs .  Turn into the heart and release her songs into all of life and the freedom of knowingness will carry you onward .

Why the Earth Soothes the Brokenness

Her charms are never ending .  Her power to delight an eternal story of love .

She challenges us and gifts us all at the same time .

The Earth and her inhabitants share breath as one .

And the when spirit feels stretched beyond the imaginable allotment  of pain she soothes us .

She soothes us with a light rain calming and delicate .

she soothes us with the joyous brightness of the sun warming and exciting .

She soothes us with the wildness of thunderstorms and setting our own wildness free .

She gifts us with so many things .

Every moment , every breath

Dear Earth

I thank you .