Category Archives: Peace

Space for New Dreams

The light is delicate tonight and the breezes cool. Someone not too far away is

listening to a soprano singing opera . The sounds drift faintly in the air as I watch the

evening light dance with with shadows before calling it a night .

It’s the sort of peaceful , summer night that soothes the soul and invites a restorative

rest .

New dreams are given space to arrive in the subtle , warm glow of the setting sun .

Why the Earth Soothes the Brokenness

Her charms are never ending .  Her power to delight an eternal story of love .

She challenges us and gifts us all at the same time .

The Earth and her inhabitants share breath as one .

And the when spirit feels stretched beyond the imaginable allotment  of pain she soothes us .

She soothes us with a light rain calming and delicate .

she soothes us with the joyous brightness of the sun warming and exciting .

She soothes us with the wildness of thunderstorms and setting our own wildness free .

She gifts us with so many things .

Every moment , every breath

Dear Earth

I thank you .


Comfort in Isolation

As much as comfort can be found and nurtured in the reserves of inner strength  carried in your mind , heart and spirit alone , on your own , the connection to each other  is the infinite  thread of love and compassion .                                                                                                           That thread carries us through time . It carries us into difficulty and through it to the other side  into the  joy that is always there . The  celebration that lives and is  a single breath is our shared joy in life .                                                                                                                                                     We are staying apart in order to love life and to love each others  life . In loving life we are asked to face to fears and challenges of what it means to be alone with our selves .  In the quiet there is an opportunity  to hear and to heal the parts that are slow to open up to joy , the lightness of laughter and  compassion .  In a place of fear we can heal fear .  Inside of unconditional compassion is freedom .  Expansive , weightless freedom . It is love .


When the broken bits arise from your heart  and ask for healing will you welcome them ?   Love them  and  accept them  and then the peace will come .  in time , more and more , the peace of acceptance and love will grow  .

Every part of yourself deserves the healing of  love .  The freedom to live in the sureness of acceptance and generosity  . When the heart is open and with out self imposed  restraints  the beauty of living flows like a glorious  river .  Healing and abundant  lifting us all into a state of grace .

Free to Roam

Free  to roam as the pieces that once baffled and brought tears of questions

roll over . Rolling over like the swells of ocean waves .

Transforming from a silent , soulful burden or thunderous , passionate outpouring

into wings open wide and strong .  Soaring beautifully with the breezes ,  playfully diving

downward then swiftly upward once again .

The heart once again free to roam .

Come Back

Come back . Come back to the trust in your heart .  Remember  a moment when your heart was repelled by hate and all you wanted was the feeling of home . The feeling of being loved in spite of hard times . The feeling that somehow it is all going to be fine .

Come back . Come back to the truth that you care . Have you been hidden from compassion because fear made you chase circles of lies  ? It’s ok to put down the fear and to feel what’s real.

Come back to all humanity and be free .

Is It a Dream by the River ?

If this is a dream then I choose to be by a sparkling , clear river . Cool , strong  and wild . Feeling the heat of the sun growing stronger upon by face as I venture into the flowing waters with the bare, flesh of my feet .  The current so strong it inspires the inner strength in my heart to move forward as if to be in a piece of a dance .

Mesmerizing and exciting all at once by  the river .  As it moves  and curves and softens the life of the rocks it also gathers and gives bits of life . Telling stories along the way wether you listen or not . Ancient and new are the stories of the river . The  rushing , churning waters or a tranquil , meandering  flow , either way , will signal to all of your senses bringing to you a sort of meditation  .

It may not know where the river begins and you may not know where  it ends but there is trust in its life giving flow and the peacefulness  that you know .






The Gift of an Eagle

Late afternoon sun inspiring a drive to the water’s edge  .  The  coolness in the air nearly stopped a walk on the beach .  It was a day that could have been early spring or  fall .  The light from the sun was diffused  by clouds and yet also giving a comforting warmth in the breezes .

I stopped at a bench and sat for a bit .  It was low tide though the water seemed to be coming back in . Small waves on top of small waves and the light shimmering and dancing along the water’s surface . Looking out and looking in as I sometimes call it .  Looking beyond the day’s events and freeing one’s mind .

It was just then that I noticed a bird sitting atop of a piling , exposed by low tide ,  out in the water .  Looking more intently  I reared that it wasn’t just any bird but rather an Eagle . I remained for a bit longer .  I began hoping that I’d get to witness his flight and just as I stood up to go this wonderful bird took flight  from his perch .

He soared with such grace and beauty .  I stood watching , taking it in , and whispering ” thank you .”