Tag Archives: Beauty

An Inviting View

A seemingly endless sky with it’s changing beauty opening the way toward imaginings.

And flowing deep waters inspiring joyous movement and possibilities .

While being held along the shores by old growth trees mixed with new inviting a sense

of comfort and continuity . There is a mystery , perhaps a bit magnificent , in the

mists that move in between the mountains and the flowing waters .

In an outwardly quiet pause the view invites me to expand my spirit and soar .

Painting by Barbara L. Chapman

‘A Puget Sound View’ Acrylic on stretched canvas 18×24″ Available for purchase

Aloneness During Covid 19

Living alone while covid 19 changes the world forces emotions to the surface and

brings a new focus to  the smallest delights .  The aloneness is magnified from what is was

before .  Suddenly those solitary evenings that seemed to go on for too long and  could be

soothed into comfort  with the knowing that in the morning it would be whisked away with

commotion  was gone . The commotion  of being busy and surrounded and connected to other

people  gone . Now   walking along a trail in a park , mask covered mouth and nose while

passing  from a distance  a mother and child and suddenly a small child’s smile takes on a

whole new meaning .  Noticing the little things like we did when we were children but now

there’s no rush to be at work or to get home to bed for a speedy night’s sleep . The aloneness

before had it’s challenges too though back then there was hope of a plan or a visit or busy work

day to carry through to relief or comfort .

The phone calls and text messages become a lifeline .  Each one opening the way to

connecting to our shared plight and to our humanity and our  hope .

The tension builds  beneath the surface silently . Moment by moment without

entirely knowing that it’s there the layers of uncertainty and loneliness  are building shelves

inside of you.  And  the beautiful , unexpected miracles of noticing an innocent smile or the

kindness of a stranger or the vibrant colors of the sky and my heart swells with a love from

before my existence  . A  love that has carried us through all of time . Tears well up in my eyes .

Is it the striking aloneness that I feel or the love that is so deep for all of life that makes it so  the

tears must flow .  When sleep finally comes it’s comfort is a delight and in the morning the hope

and the search for the little things will begin again .



Mon Coeur

The Beautiful Bluebird

The weightiness  of  living  with lists  and must do and need to and then ….. pause .  A beautifully quiet moment slips into place and envelopes your heart .  A smile born from the timelessness of spirit breathes new life into a vision so joyous and free that it can dance with trees and then twirl amongst the stars .

The call of a bluebird is heard before it is seen and swoops out of a tree and flies overhead flashing it’s brilliant blue .  I can see it another tree now and I gently move closer just to see .  It is a beautiful vision on a cold , grey day and it’s as if it came say ” The beauty of life is always here in each breath and pause . It’s only you that goes away some days . ”

Hearing the Forest

Hearing the forest within my heart while a wild rabbit  darts out in front of me . Pausing for less than a moment as do my thoughts and then the wonderings and wandering begin again .

A witness to the magnificence and also a participant .  Remembering  to breath deeply,  as deeply,  as the thoughts in my mind yearn to go into the Soul .  Always  free to soar in my Soul and dance  with  spirit amongst the trees and the sky . The sky that we mirror getting us churned or sent peacefully  into a lullaby . Dear , sweet sky .

Wings unfurled and opened wide and soaring into the sky and such a sight for these eyes . In my minds eye I fly with alongside you and feel the sky . 

When I knew That it Was You

It began with meeting you in unexpected places .  My heart rising to the surface and bits of my soul exposing it’s weaves of color and textures gathered through the ages . Questions and acceptance , not always in that order , came with each breath .   And each breath has a purpose.

Deep breath in so as to welcome the sights of love which  sometimes masquerades as rebellion . Deep breath out so as to give delight alive in courage . Have you stood in the silence of your breathing  and listened ?

It was you along  offering comfort through inspiration . Offering warmth in moments of  fear and gentle nudges toward exploration  of  a beautiful , wild road .