Author Archives: blchapman

About blchapman

Born with the soul of an artist and nurtured by my drive to explore the world and the human spirit . As a young adult I turned my attentions towards the culinary arts. It provided an outlet for creativity while providing for my material needs.As the years went by I came to realize that I was, in part ,denying the artist within due to fear and not wanting to be my mother's competitor.After escorting my mother through her end of life journey as her primary caregiver I came to realize that life is short and precious and I could no longer deny what and who I am. I am an Artist. An explorer . A lover of life .

An Inviting View

A seemingly endless sky with it’s changing beauty opening the way toward imaginings.

And flowing deep waters inspiring joyous movement and possibilities .

While being held along the shores by old growth trees mixed with new inviting a sense

of comfort and continuity . There is a mystery , perhaps a bit magnificent , in the

mists that move in between the mountains and the flowing waters .

In an outwardly quiet pause the view invites me to expand my spirit and soar .

Painting by Barbara L. Chapman

‘A Puget Sound View’ Acrylic on stretched canvas 18×24″ Available for purchase

Soul self

I looked out upon the East River as a little girl from my bedroom window . I watched the night sky change with the celestial cycles , I watched fiery as well as calm , delicate sunsets . It was enchanting and yet also grounding . I felt more connected to my deeper self because of these moments .

The quietness , the aloneness that allowed for these experiences also created some separation from the day to day lighter side of living .

At the age of eight years old I wrote a letter to the President of the United States . ”Dear Mr. President , Please get everyone to love each other and then we will have peace .” The letter was mailed . I received a brochure of the White House in response . I was thrilled because it meant that my letter had arrived .

That little girl with the old soul is still me . And since then have discovered the joy of laughter and spontaneity . 

The fireworks Tonight

The light returns and we rejoice in dreams of a new beginning .

A new year about to begin and we might reflect upon what’s gone by …

or dive in deeply into hopes for what we will create in the coming days .

Dancing into joy , lightly moving through quietness of the unspoken desires

and welcoming the healing of laughter that is sparked in spontaneity .

Delight rises up from within the heart , sometimes catching us by surprise . It is a delight .

Twirl , look up , imagine ….embrace love . Live generously and the world expands . Unfolding unceasingly .

We don’t know what we don’t know so let go and live in joyous generosity .

Happy New Year !


Barbara L. Chapman

The Summer Sun

The summer sun rising ,quickly dissipating the early morning dark, bringing a strong of day and of what it might become .

Bright and strong and barely a breeze and birds coming into their songs as a cat excitedly watches them flit about .

It is the best bit now before people begin to move to and fro . When the quietness is freedom and the stillness a welcome respite .

Spring Joyously Returns

The lasting light stretching outward into evening inviting delight .

Coolness along aside bright sunshine and twirling sounds from birds before light

inspiring joy and a light heart .

Inspiring a yearning to stay awake later into the night and glance at the stars sparkling

in the deep , dark sky .

Spring joyously returns and like a lovely waltz it twirls life around out of the winter

slumber and into new beginnings .

Happy Spring !



The light arriving earlier now and lingering longer . Renewing , refreshing and inviting new inspirations for change .

Stellar Jay’s appear with their eye catching brilliant blue and the song birds delicate sounds float through the air .

A breezy chill in a symphony of sunlight both playful and hopeful eases the day into evening and a happy rest .

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