Tag Archives: Publishers

Spring Joyously Returns

The lasting light stretching outward into evening inviting delight .

Coolness along aside bright sunshine and twirling sounds from birds before light

inspiring joy and a light heart .

Inspiring a yearning to stay awake later into the night and glance at the stars sparkling

in the deep , dark sky .

Spring joyously returns and like a lovely waltz it twirls life around out of the winter

slumber and into new beginnings .

Happy Spring !

A Beautiful Respite

It was unexpected . As I walked along a well loved , urban path around a lake I paused . Delicate looking leaves sitting atop the water and the tree above reflected in a beautiful blue . The rich , inspiring colors and shapes all came together in order to create a story . I took a step towards the edge of the water and just slightly removed from the passerby’s . And for a moment was like a magical haven .

Through Rising Woes …

Evenly onward I go . Rising and then flowing with the downward slopes as they come .

Moving steadily and weaving in the joys as obstacles are flung here and flung there .

Evenly onward I go . And an unexpected moment appears and tips the scale .

Charging fast into the passion of a moment I let my voice rise from the deep , loud

space of fatigue and cry out ” No More !”. Enough of all of the tedious , barking

demands from systems designed to be in command .

I let out my barks and in a moment , or two, I am done .

Released and then I rise through my woes once again .

Reflections on the Season of Giving

In the northern hemisphere we have a chill in the air . Winter storms , at times light and lovely or wild and harsh , that slow down our pace . Perhaps memories of childhood snow days bring a smile as we keep warm inside .

Is it the prettiest package and nifty trinket inside that lights up our hearts ? I venture to guess it is rather the thought and time that remains in our thoughts .

The very spirit of giving is inspirational and contagious . A beautiful flow of humanity creating a web . A gentle kindness towards a stranger can make your own heart sing . La la la …let the joy in and then give it away again .

An extra can of soup purchased at the store and donated on the way out of the door . Check on a neighbor and think of how it must feel that somebody cares .

What better way to celebrate the season of miracles amongst so many faiths than to step beyond our busyness and let people know that they are cared about .

Melodious Light

A chill in the air , soft whites and grays and evergreens harmonize like a song of winter .

Quietness and light inviting and threading it’s way amongst old growth trees , carrying

the deep , soul enveloping sounds of an eagle’s call .

Melodious light transcends time and embraces the heart .

Water’s Edgde

Calls to the soul at waters edge ,

she welcomes what we are beyond our present knowing .

Calls to what we know as wildness is freedom in the space of grace .

Calm and reflective waters flow and all the while wild winds blow .

And in this moment of aloneness is the timeless connection to all life .

Calls from the heart, songs in the soul and hymns from the sea are in harmony .

And in every breath carried to the stars are dreams of love for evermore .

On the Wings of Travel and the Quietness of Trees

In my mind , heart and soul my joy comes alive in the adventures of travel as well as amongst the quietness of trees . Adventure is adventure . And exploration is invigorating wether with satchels or suitcases or a walking stick or airplane .

How many times have I felt a deep and instant comfort in traveling ? More often than i can recall . It is the home within myself that rises to the surface during an adventure . An outer exploration becomes an inner connection .

And sometimes when it is time to say farewell to the spontaneity and the fun of the unknown my spirit may feel heavy …for a bit and also renewed .

Until I am again near the loving souls that I can’t imagine life without ,and are also home in my heart , my spirit dances with new sight . The limitless and deep connections to all life are always beckoning .

The word travel seems too small to convey the true unfolding of what occurs if you choose it . I choose to step into the adventure and to dance with it . And finding rest in the quietness of love and contemplation amongst the trees and in the sky and roaring ocean waves . i am alive .

‘Release’ soft chalk pastels 2012 #11

Space for New Dreams

The light is delicate tonight and the breezes cool. Someone not too far away is

listening to a soprano singing opera . The sounds drift faintly in the air as I watch the

evening light dance with with shadows before calling it a night .

It’s the sort of peaceful , summer night that soothes the soul and invites a restorative

rest .

New dreams are given space to arrive in the subtle , warm glow of the setting sun .

Summer Dreams

Long walks in summer dreams with flagrant blossoms wafting through the air . Rhythms ease into each day flowing into sunshine filled moments and just as easily into shade .

Cooling breezes and dancing stars in the sky , playful leaps and bright pinks , bring twinkling joy to the eyes .

Gently lay down your head , breathe slow , feeling life’s embrace .

Peace in Moments

To be in peace and joy , to fulfill a purpose known or unknown . To deepen my

understanding thereby strengthening connection to all of life . To explore ideas,

actions, states of being and to simply be . To simply breathe and sense the miracle that

is all around and the threads that are me running through it all blending or bumpy

…there is both freedom and anchors in the joys and sorrows . Looking to be beyond

the stars as well as meadows sprinkled with blooms and to delight and roar in oceans

near and far .