Tag Archives: Prose

The fireworks Tonight

The light returns and we rejoice in dreams of a new beginning .

A new year about to begin and we might reflect upon what’s gone by …

or dive in deeply into hopes for what we will create in the coming days .

Dancing into joy , lightly moving through quietness of the unspoken desires

and welcoming the healing of laughter that is sparked in spontaneity .

Delight rises up from within the heart , sometimes catching us by surprise . It is a delight .

Twirl , look up , imagine ….embrace love . Live generously and the world expands . Unfolding unceasingly .

We don’t know what we don’t know so let go and live in joyous generosity .

Happy New Year !


Barbara L. Chapman

Summer Dreams

Long walks in summer dreams with flagrant blossoms wafting through the air . Rhythms ease into each day flowing into sunshine filled moments and just as easily into shade .

Cooling breezes and dancing stars in the sky , playful leaps and bright pinks , bring twinkling joy to the eyes .

Gently lay down your head , breathe slow , feeling life’s embrace .

Spirit in the Waves

The water invites one’s woes to be carried away ,

as it lightens the spirit and frees ancient aches so that they soar into the heavens .

Relentless rains and their density are something to beware . Their heaviness can be

dreamt away .

The ocean waves and river’s flow tell their stories to our souls . They speak a language

recognizable to our hearts and invite a dance from the depths of our breath into

sacredness .

Stamina 2020

Stamina called forward and on some days it barely stays . It does stay though and thankfully so .  Choose to do a new action when it seems as if it might  slip away and entice it to return . Deep sigh I can go on now with stamina by by side .

Purpose in each day is a search and rescue mission now .  There are days when it appears with grace and ease and oh what a delight That is . And then the days  arrive that attempt to steal  the joy with the murmurings  of  lack and questions of now what ?

Gratitude has grown because it’s heard more easily now in the quieter days  and nights of a society partly in mourning  . The voice of a loved one might visit  uplifting  the spirit like a bountiful , beautiful garden .  It’s the magnificent single moments that linger in the heart. Thankfully the smiles can still be felt and the kindness of stamina remains .


It’s New

The quietness is new .

Moving well beyond  early morning darkness and into the afternoon .

The songs of birds now have a captive audience with the roaming and wandering of humans now curtailed .

It is a quietness that will speak right to the heart  .

And surrender to it and the mind will follow .

The quietness is new .

A stay from busyness has arrived and with it a new freedom … in the new quietness .

‘NEW DAWN’ 11×14 chalk pastels 2012 Donation to Bailey Boushay seattle

A Chance to See

May we heal ourselves in the quiet  and in solitude ?   Can we embrace the time free from the filled spaces and welcome new sights coming  to us from within ?  Here is a chance to see our lives from a distance , to catch a breath in slowing down and  to dare to imagine …

Imagine relieving the fears of a stranger from a distance with a smile .  A smile to say ” we are in this together .”   A smile that is your own reassurance too as it comes back to you as a gift that penatrates your silent fears .

A chance to see has come along . To see what you truly love and to remember how the moments that can seem small are truly filled with heart touching meaning that stay with us     forever .        

In the Wild

In the wild ,  amid ancient trees holding stories of the magic and  of the tragedy of life , is a stillness .  A beautiful , deep stillness .  It is where the wisdom from ancestors may surface . It is where forgotten dreams come to to visit and where the knowing of love , pure and free from ego , expands into it’s gentle power of eternity .

In the wild ,  amid the  star filled sky ,  cares of tomorrow float up and away  making  space  for a peaceful  heart  and sweet sleep .  The moments are alive and true . Uncomplicated  and  wondrous , they are alive travel through time , offering songs that only a soul may hear .

Is It a Dream by the River ?

If this is a dream then I choose to be by a sparkling , clear river . Cool , strong  and wild . Feeling the heat of the sun growing stronger upon by face as I venture into the flowing waters with the bare, flesh of my feet .  The current so strong it inspires the inner strength in my heart to move forward as if to be in a piece of a dance .

Mesmerizing and exciting all at once by  the river .  As it moves  and curves and softens the life of the rocks it also gathers and gives bits of life . Telling stories along the way wether you listen or not . Ancient and new are the stories of the river . The  rushing , churning waters or a tranquil , meandering  flow , either way , will signal to all of your senses bringing to you a sort of meditation  .

It may not know where the river begins and you may not know where  it ends but there is trust in its life giving flow and the peacefulness  that you know .






Victory Unknown

Your beauty comes from a deep soul . Courage and light gathered throughout an arduous

journey . One of kindnesses given when ugliness roared  in your direction . Stamina that rose

up despair  and carried you to your wisdom . Willingness , oh the the willingness to see the

reason and to imagine the victory at the other end . Grace ,  it is the light shining outward from

       your heart that surrounds you with grace .

Breathe Away the Waves

Breathe away the lingering notions of tulmultuous waves standing in the way . Standing at the edge of beautiful , wild dreams with eyes carrying deep visions from the past and a freshness, like  new love ,  for the present .  And when the colors change in sky  and the formations of the trees alter their  growth  go  with the winds the changes are sensed  even before they are seen .

Breathe in the sight of stars and the knowing of their far off life traveling  through space to just barely  touch ours . And when a delicate , precious sunrise  arrives perhaps we might choose a few moments  to feel the presence of the earth beneath our bare feet on the grass or the sand or the  dirt .

Breathe  out with love , Breathe in the love .

‘Jewel of Life’ Acrylic 18×17″