Category Archives: Home


A dance with changing circumstances ,

a drain or a lift ? A reestablishment of sense of self and finding one’s footing once


Not for the faint of heart yet as we move through that which we fear in time it

is transformed into the familiar .

A dance with identity perceived by the inner self and interpretations of how we think

the world views us .

It’s the perceptions that we hold onto with fierceness can cause the most discomfort .

Is it habit or real ? If it is habit that doesn’t make it any less real .

Dancing through circumstances may feel more like trudging through mud in moments

of fear …all it takes is one moment and then you feel like your home and the comfort is

real .

Space for New Dreams

The light is delicate tonight and the breezes cool. Someone not too far away is

listening to a soprano singing opera . The sounds drift faintly in the air as I watch the

evening light dance with with shadows before calling it a night .

It’s the sort of peaceful , summer night that soothes the soul and invites a restorative

rest .

New dreams are given space to arrive in the subtle , warm glow of the setting sun .

Above the Gases

How to see through the smoke ?

Soldiers in streets uninvited ,  The people rising . Higher  than gases .

Division , is it’s fate to become unified ?

Human history as a recipe repeated .

We will take back our sovereignty .


Tears are Not Enough . Period .

Born white and free


in ways i did not see .

Until I became a latch key child  .

As I grew I rebelled against the white cocoon

and paid a price for it .

Not as dear  though as the price paid by African Americans

to simply live .

Or rather …not to live .

What good are my tears for you ? I must use my voice and body to join with yours .

Lead me through this battle with you


lets make lasting change .

Aloneness During Covid 19

Living alone while covid 19 changes the world forces emotions to the surface and

brings a new focus to  the smallest delights .  The aloneness is magnified from what is was

before .  Suddenly those solitary evenings that seemed to go on for too long and  could be

soothed into comfort  with the knowing that in the morning it would be whisked away with

commotion  was gone . The commotion  of being busy and surrounded and connected to other

people  gone . Now   walking along a trail in a park , mask covered mouth and nose while

passing  from a distance  a mother and child and suddenly a small child’s smile takes on a

whole new meaning .  Noticing the little things like we did when we were children but now

there’s no rush to be at work or to get home to bed for a speedy night’s sleep . The aloneness

before had it’s challenges too though back then there was hope of a plan or a visit or busy work

day to carry through to relief or comfort .

The phone calls and text messages become a lifeline .  Each one opening the way to

connecting to our shared plight and to our humanity and our  hope .

The tension builds  beneath the surface silently . Moment by moment without

entirely knowing that it’s there the layers of uncertainty and loneliness  are building shelves

inside of you.  And  the beautiful , unexpected miracles of noticing an innocent smile or the

kindness of a stranger or the vibrant colors of the sky and my heart swells with a love from

before my existence  . A  love that has carried us through all of time . Tears well up in my eyes .

Is it the striking aloneness that I feel or the love that is so deep for all of life that makes it so  the

tears must flow .  When sleep finally comes it’s comfort is a delight and in the morning the hope

and the search for the little things will begin again .



Mon Coeur


When the broken bits arise from your heart  and ask for healing will you welcome them ?   Love them  and  accept them  and then the peace will come .  in time , more and more , the peace of acceptance and love will grow  .

Every part of yourself deserves the healing of  love .  The freedom to live in the sureness of acceptance and generosity  . When the heart is open and with out self imposed  restraints  the beauty of living flows like a glorious  river .  Healing and abundant  lifting us all into a state of grace .

Free to Roam

Free  to roam as the pieces that once baffled and brought tears of questions

roll over . Rolling over like the swells of ocean waves .

Transforming from a silent , soulful burden or thunderous , passionate outpouring

into wings open wide and strong .  Soaring beautifully with the breezes ,  playfully diving

downward then swiftly upward once again .

The heart once again free to roam .

Come Back

Come back . Come back to the trust in your heart .  Remember  a moment when your heart was repelled by hate and all you wanted was the feeling of home . The feeling of being loved in spite of hard times . The feeling that somehow it is all going to be fine .

Come back . Come back to the truth that you care . Have you been hidden from compassion because fear made you chase circles of lies  ? It’s ok to put down the fear and to feel what’s real.

Come back to all humanity and be free .

The Spirit is Free

Born into interwoven threads of an untold story .  The broken soul arrives hungry for , both ,

solitude and intimacy  . Dance my sprit into the depths of the truest light of love and present to

me the challenges of diving through any fears .  And in the body feeling alive with intensity  in

the moments when I swim in the wildness of the ocean or am climbing a steep, ragged trail for

miles .  A release takes place then you are beautifully  free . The strain is gone and spirit is


A Man Standing Alone

A man standing well off to the side of a convenience  store .  Looking cold from the chill in the air and with a well worn roller bag next to him  . Big eyes with a look of kindness  against his weathered face which clearly held some stories .

Suddenly i was looking to see if I had any cash with me . Yes, I did . It was a moment of certainty after that .  I walked towards him .  He was gracious and thankful .  He began to say something . He hesitated seeming lost a bit .  ” You don’t have to tell me your story  because I already understand it ” I said .  A moment of connection that takes me to my heart .