Tag Archives: Acrylic paintings

An Inviting View

A seemingly endless sky with it’s changing beauty opening the way toward imaginings.

And flowing deep waters inspiring joyous movement and possibilities .

While being held along the shores by old growth trees mixed with new inviting a sense

of comfort and continuity . There is a mystery , perhaps a bit magnificent , in the

mists that move in between the mountains and the flowing waters .

In an outwardly quiet pause the view invites me to expand my spirit and soar .

Painting by Barbara L. Chapman

‘A Puget Sound View’ Acrylic on stretched canvas 18×24″ Available for purchase

I Rise and Sometimes I Fall

In my dreams  ,  in deepest mediation I fly free .

I enter this life carrying the open heart from all of the lifetimes gone by .

And when the walls from the lower place of the  ego place are in the way I , sometimes , rise

and I , sometimes , fall.

Try and try again I try to see in a singular  breath all  of the grace

alive in the sacred space of life .

Alone and never alone .